new recordings finished… a little idea of how they will sound available now

ok, the final mix is not done yet but to get a little idea we offer you 4 new songs to listen to…. its just a rough mix but the final sound won’t be too different cause or goal was to have an 80ies hardcore sound 🙂 …our friend and recording-master, the mighty „tigerbird“ did a great job and we look forward to his final mix……… for lyrics, scroll down, they are all to be found somewhere below hehe

take back what you’ve lost „…what you possess possesses you, take back what you’ve lost…“

glance „…you still got no power over me…“

in thoughtlessness i loose myself „…in this i place my trust, in this i submit…“ (feat. the mighty tigerbird on solo guitar)

unholy „… i will clear myself of all unholy…“

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