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Archiv der Kategorie: Allgemein
NEW ALBUM, free for all, of course.
Guys, we got another one. Been long time in the making and it´s actually our fourth album with praiser (yeah, i know, third album will be a suprise). We loved recording it and hope you´ll enjoy it as much as … Weiterlesen
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news from the rehearsal room
well, here is a new song we wrote during the last 2 rehearsals… fresh ’n‘ raw… lyrics are in the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5jmnIa_8Jk
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Yes, we made it to bandcamp
so, check this out: http://praiser.bandcamp.com/ . And you better! Since it took me like 2 hours to set it up. Upvote, people and let the Praise be heard :). Cheers guys, more is coming soon™
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a little preview
well, check out these two clips… new songs, 17 more to follow… soon you can download them for free right here… lyrics are in the video… http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=YIl05ZVB99I
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new amazing compilation for free: 75 tracks incl. mxpx, dogwood and US
yeah indie vision music released a great free compilation including tons of great christian punkrock… you can find wellknown acts as mxpx, dogwood and headnoise as well as lots of underground stuff. we are featured with 2 songs, „take back … Weiterlesen
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EP. Jetzt. Downloadbar. SAUGEN
Peons, wir haben neue Songs. 3 Stk.. ABER: es kommen noch mehr, bestimmt, sogar noch dieses Jahr, vielleicht. Wichtig ist aber: neue Songs unter: http://blog.praiser.de/?page_id=70 (oder Songs MP3). Wie immer: for free, Spenden an Bender, der lebt ja davon (unter … Weiterlesen
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unsere top 10 auf kirchencore.blogspot.com / our top 10 at kirchencore.blogspot.com
yeah, auf dieser sehr feinen seite tauchen je 5 unserer lieblingstracks auf die uns beeinflusst haben, plus persönlichem statement, was die tracks für uns bedeuten… also 10 anhörtipps in sachen guter musik… UND KAUFT EUCH DIE PLATTEN, DAS SIND ALLES … Weiterlesen
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praiser at freakstock
well, heres a small clip from freakstock… sound is really destroyed but we played loud, the way it should be hehe
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another rough mix
well… we offer you another rough mix, even a lil more mixed than the stuff before… „number one“… one of our faves … lyrics can be found in the youtube description http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ESQ3-e1eIM
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new recordings finished… a little idea of how they will sound available now
ok, the final mix is not done yet but to get a little idea we offer you 4 new songs to listen to…. its just a rough mix but the final sound won’t be too different cause or goal was … Weiterlesen
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